Our Pastor & Staff

We strongly believe that every member of our church family is a minister of Jesus Christ because of grace through our baptism.  Because we are baptized into Christ’s Life, we are to follow Christ by living for others and ministering to them.  By grace, we are — like all Christians — called to minister, share, and witness to Christ’s redeeming love at home, work,  school, and play; with neighbors and strangers; within our community and God’s wider world.

Rev. Peter Wilkinson, Interim Pastor


Welcome Pastor Pete!

Reverend Peter “Pete” Wilkinson will begin his role as Transitional Pastor at WAPC on August 1. His first worship service will follow on Sunday, August 4. Pete and his wife Jan Burgess have deep Midwestern roots. Pete grew up in Lafayette and graduated from Purdue University. Pete and Jan are delighted to have returned to Central Indiana following a two-year role in New Jersey where Pete served as interim pastor to the Central Presbyterian Church in Montclair.  A special fellowship time is planned and will immediately follow the worship service.

Marie Stocks, Communications

Marie has been very active in the non-profit community since moving to Crawfordsville serving with The Friends of Sugar Creek, Crawfordsville District Public Library, Council on Aging, League of Women Voters, and the Crawfordsville Main Street Downtown Design Committee. She is in continuous lifetime training to become a real Master Gardener. She can be reached at wapccoms@gmail.com or by calling the church office at 765 362-5812.

Marie Stocks

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