Sermon Details

Passion Sunday

April 10, 2022
Wabash Avenue Presbyterian Church in Crawfordsville, IN, invites you to join us as we worship in this time of SARS-CoV-2. Today's Passion Sunday service will be led by Pastor John Van Nuys, hymns led by Jennie Swick accompanied by Alan White. Thank you for joining us remotely.

FYI about THIS SUNDAY: Passion Sunday
Worship this Sunday will be like the 12/24 service of lessons and carols. Instead of reading the Christmas story, we will read the story of Jesus’ entry (the Palm Sunday story) and the passion story as we observe Passion Sunday.
Many churches now observe Passion Sunday because the vast majority of us do not attend Maundy Thursday or Good Friday services. Given that, we go from a big celebration on Palm Sunday to a big celebration on Easter Sunday with absolutely no exposure to or reflection upon Jesus’ suffering and death. Passion Sunday is a liturgical attempt to reclaim and restore the cross as a necessary part of the Easter story.
We will hopefully do that on Sunday. Here’s what will be different in the worship service: Announcements and an opening prayer will occur before the service begins. The offering will be received after the service ends. As Scripture is read, we will sing a couple of verses from hymns which tie in with the narrative. Essentially, the service will focus on Christ’s passion.

In reading this, your heart may be stirred. What you’re feeling is the Holy Spirit drawing you to Christ. To begin or renew a relationship with Jesus, just pray:

“Lord, help me receive your love. I regret the wrong I’ve done. Forgive me. Jesus, I believe you are God’s Son and the Savior of the world. Be my Savior. Save me from myself. Save me for yourself. Enter my heart. Fill me with your Holy Spirit. Help me to serve you faithfully and well. Help me to love as you love. Lead me in your Way, Truth, and Life now and forever. Continue to show me who you are and who I am in you. Amen.”

If you pray this prayer, contact a pastor. They’ll show you how to live for Christ with purpose, peace, and joy. Jesus says: “Behold, I make all things new.” That definitely includes YOU!